Learn How To Make First Baseline Model With 0.44+ Accuracy on LeaderBoard [🎥 Tutorial]

Hello :wave: Everyone,

Looking at the leaderboard I see that nearly 50% of the participants are still struggling with their first baseline model. Since supervised learning is a small part of the challenge and the main focus is to work on the “Purchasing phase”.
I have curated a :video_camera: video tutorial that will give you a brief introduction to the problem statement, step-by-step :footprints: the process of :hammer_and_wrench: building your first PyTorch ResNet baseline model, and ofcourse making a submission :rocket:.

By the end of this video you will learn the following things:-

  1. Understanding :face_with_monocle: the problem statement
  2. Knowing what data do you have?
  3. Understanding the starter kit codebase :file_folder: and what each file does
  4. Write your first PyTorch ResNet model (CUDA and CPU compatible) in run.py class
  5. Making a submission :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

Some goodies :gift: for you:

  1. The GitLab repository that will help you get 0.44+ accuracy. Click here
  2. This post helps you build the first working baseline. To help you experiment with more models, here is the Google Colab notebook to play around with. Click here

You are just 30 minutes away from making your first successful baseline submission:tada: :tada::tada: :tada:
Please do let me know any improvements or questions in the comments below, I would be glad to help you.
Click on :heart: if this post was of any help


  1. Set self.epoch=0 and self.NUM_EPOCS=50
  2. Set “gpu”: true in aicrowd.json

Hi, thanks for this tutorial. It did take less than 30 mins to make my first submission. Helps a lot for beginners like me.
Thanks again :slight_smile:


Is there a way to change the name of repository? The name testing does not look good.


I understand the name of the repository doesn’t look good as soon as you start making progress. You should be able to make changes in your forked repository by following these steps:

  1. Go to https://gitlab.aicrowd.com/<YOUR USERNAME>/testing/edit
  2. Expand “Advanced section”
  3. Scroll down and look for “Change Path”
  4. Change the name as you like, and click the “Change Path” button
  5. Now if the URL is changed successfully, you will have to change the remote URL in a local git repo. Navigate to your local repo and execute this command
    git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.aicrowd.com:<YOUR USERNAME>/<NEW NAME>.git
  6. You may now rename your folder to the new name.

Please do let me know if it helped.

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Hey, Thanks for this! I just noticed one small error in the steps given above to change repo name.
In step 1, could you please change it to https://gitlab.aicrowd.com/<USERNAME>/testing/edit. I understood that, but some beginners might not get it at first.

Also, in step 4, there is a typo - LINK to LIKE. (It really doesn’t matter though)

Thanks again :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the feedback. I have made the relevant changes.