Working as a team


I failed to find the relevant part in the Rules section and I was wondering if participants can team up?
If so, what’s the size limit of a team?



Yes teams are allowed. Max size is 5 people.


Thanks for the reply!


I’ve made a few submissions (on behalf of our two-people team) but I just wanted to make sure if that’s OK? Or would you rather prefer that we follow some other procedure to make it more obvious for other participants?

great, should be fine like that.

We also updated the rules for victory: “The top-performing teams will be required to include a four+ page write-up describing their method and code to reproduce their results to the claim victory. The detailed procedure for releasing the code is to be determined.”

If the winners are also at ICCV’19 and have a write-up/code, then I believe this work can be presented at the workshop. But will confirm final schedule.