πŸŽ‰ Winners and their Solutions!

Dear Participants,

In the last 3 weeks, AI Blitz 9 :speech_balloon: Hello NLP saw :busts_in_silhouette:200+ participants from over :earth_africa:24 countries making :rocket:1200+ submissions!!

As this challenge comes to an end, we want to thank each one of you for your active participation and support! :blue_heart:

Here are the Winners of AI Blitz 9 :speech_balloon: Hello NLP

Leaderboard Winners
Rank 1 Hail_Satan_13666 :dollar: $100
Rank 2 Data_Pirates :dollar: $50
Rank 2 BerAnton :dollar: $50

:computer: Leaderboard Winners’ Solutions

@KSHITIJ_076 and @aman_patkar

  1. Emotion Detection
  2. Research Paper Classification
  3. De-shuffle Text
  4. NLP Feature Engineering
  5. Sound Prediction

@salim_shaikh and @AkashPB

  1. Emotion Detection
  2. Research Paper Classification
  3. De-shuffle Text
  4. NLP Feature Engineering
  5. Sound Prediction


  1. De-shuffle Text
  2. NLP Feature Engineering
  3. Sound Prediction
  4. Emotion Detection
  5. Research Paper Classification


  1. Emotion Detection
  2. Research Paper Classification
  3. De-shuffle Text
  4. NLP Feature Engineering
  5. Sound Prediction


  1. NLP Feature Engineering
  2. Sound Prediction