🏆 Winner Announcement

:hourglass_flowing_sand: NeurIPS 2023: CityLearn Challenge saw more than :busts_in_silhouette: 600+ participants from :earth_americas: 50+ counties making :rocket: 2500+ submissions!!

:tada: Thank you for being an active participant in NeurIPS 2023: CityLearn Challenge.

:loudspeaker: Congratulations to the Winners of the CityLearn Challenge 2023 :3rd_place_medal::2nd_place_medal::1st_place_medal:
Really creative and interesting solutions to address energy forecasting and grid-interactive buildings!

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Forecasting Track:
:1st_place_medal:Team Pluto (@pluto)
:2nd_place_medal:Team Vanguards (@tanwi_mallick, @ngoc_tran, @yangxinyu_xie)
:3rd_place_medal:Michael Ibrahim (@MichaelIbrahim)

:battery: Controls Track:
:1st_place_medal:Team croissant_codebreakers (@francescomorri, @andoni_larumbe_berge, @jotapis, @tommaso_marzi)
:2nd_place_medal:Team HKUST_Smart_Building (@wanfu, @jiang_zhan, @reggie, @walter_zhe_wang)
:3rd_place_medal:Team Hello Rookie (@skywuuuu, @zhangjp, @franksinatral, @hkz, @Archer, @caojy1998)

We will share the solutions paper and the recording of the workshop with the winner presentations and soon. Stay tuned for the CityLearn Challenge 2024!