👾 Welcome to NeurIPS 2023: The Neural MMO Challenge

:rocket: Announcing the Neural MMO Challenge at NeurIPS 2023!

Join us for the largest RL competition at NeurIPS 2023! With NMMO 2.0, we are unveiling faster performance, an added emphasis on task completion, and a novel RL baseline. This event invites participants to engage deeply in the world of reinforcement learning, challenging them with tasks and opponents they’ve never encountered.

:tada: Dive into the vast universe of Neural MMO and test your skills against unseen challenges and competitors.

Your Challenge

The crux of this competition is to empower the next generation of AI to tackle unprecedented tasks against novel adversaries in unexplored terrains.

:dart: Competition Tracks

  • Reinforcement Learning: Refine the RL algorithm, model, and reward dynamics.
  • Curriculum Generation: Craft the task generator, sampler, and rewards using Python.
  • No Holds Barred Track: Show us what you’ve got! No boundaries – utilize any method, but don’t try hacking our systems!
    • LLM Agents: Employ GPT or LLMs to create scripted agents. Evaluation support is underway; refer to Documentation/Discord for more details.

:calendar: Timeline

  • October: Kick-off - Warm-up rounds against baselines.
  • November-December: The main competition heats up! Evaluate task completion against peers. Competition tasks intensify over rounds.
  • TBA before NeurIPS: Submission deadline, final evaluation for top 16 in each track.
  • NeurIPS: Champions declared!

:trophy: Prizes
Boasting a total of $20K in rewards sponsored by Parametrix.ai. A detailed breakdown for each track and round will be shared soon. Standout performers in the Reinforcement Learning and Curriculum Generation tracks must open-source their submission code. Though optional for the No Holds Barred track, it’s highly encouraged.

:scroll: Rules
To ensure fairness and integrity, we’ve established guidelines for each track. Please ensure you’re well-acquainted with the rules relevant to your track. Read the detailed rules here.

:speaking_head: Voice your thoughts and feedback right here.
:busts_in_silhouette: Challenges become memorable with allies! Find teammates over here.
:telephone_receiver: Engage with fellow competitors on our Discord channel or WeChat.
Best of luck to all participants! :star2: