Travel Grant: For the top 5 winners to claim the travel grants, you need to submit the documentation of your solutions to The Web Conf. 2025, and present it in person.
If you are among the top 5 winners but cannot attend the conference, you can still submit. A partial amount of the travel grant will be granted to cover the registration cost.
Everyone whose best submission is above the baselines is eligible and encouraged to submit to The Web Conf as well.
Is the workshop going to be conducted in hybrid mode? I.e. is there an option of presenting remotely/virtually for those who are not recipients of the travel grants?
Edit: To be clear, what I am asking is if it would be an option to do the “Virtual Registration” at the conference if the submission is accepted at the BbB workshop
Hello @kaushik_gopalan
Yes the session will be hybrid. The paper can be presented online via zoom. However, it still needs to be registered as a pre-conference registration rate (full ACM member/non-member rate). The virtual rate is only eligible for attendance, not paper registration.
Hello @leocd
The travel grant covers one registration only - yes, only for one presenter, essentially for the paper to be registered. If they’re remote, I guess they can all dial in together from the Zoom link. If they attend in person, they will get the whole travel grant, and they can decide how they use/share it
could i ask, for winning teams, can we do the paper presentation via virtual zoom? So with reference to this link: Registration | International World Wide Web Conference 2025 ( WWW2025 | The Web Conf 2025 ) it would be AUD550 for the pre conference non ACM. I understand that if this option is avaliable, only the registration fee of AUD550 would be reimbursed from the travel grant and thats fine. The in-person presentation for lower winning teams would be not feasible as the cost of in-person registration (AUD950) and the cheapest flight there would already exceed the travel grant. Hope the organising team is able to consider our geographical locations relative to the conference location and its resultant costs incurred for us.Thank you!
Hello @chan_jun_hao
Yes, winning teams can present virtually at the conference. However, in the case of a team, only one person can register and present the paper. Please note that a full conference registration is still required. I hope this answers your query.
@snehananavati We already made the submission on the Google form by the deadline. Is the deadline to submit the camera-ready version on Easychair Feb 19th AoE or Feb 20th AoE?
Hi @kaushik_gopalan
Relaying the response from the organisers: They have received your submission on EasyChair and are currently reviewing it as a priority. If accepted, full registration will be required, even for remote participation. If your team is not among the top five, the registration fee will not be covered by the travel grant.
The organisers are currently preparing submissions for the camera-ready deadline and will share the review and notification with you soon. They extend their thanks and appreciation for your submission.