Hi all
(Note that I will edit the third section of this post with more details mid-next week)
You’ll notice the first profit leaderboard is out
Before I dive into some details, remember that in real markets, there is a lot of experience and regulation which means things reach a relative equilibrium over time. Here we are attempting to short-circuit that process with the weekly leaderboards and our market rules. But this means that the start may be bumpy until each market player iterates on and crystalises their strategy.
1 Where is my model?
You may see that your model is not present here despite having passed the non-negative training profit test.
This is because your model will have failed the participation rule which states:
Participation rule. Your model must participate (i.e. win at least 1 policy) in 5% or more of the markets it is placed in
In other words, in more than 95% of the many markets that you were placed in, you won 0 contracts.
2 Why all the negative profits?
This happens when the prices offered are too low or the risk model is not very accurate, or both. Overtime, we expect the market (i.e. participants) to correct for this effect so that more and more of your models “make money” in competition.
So how can you correct things without feedback? Read on
3 Can I get more feedback?
Over the next week we will be working to create a personalised Market Performance Summary for the submissions that you enter into the profit leaderboads each week. Watch this space for more details.
In the meanwhile, note that the top 2 models in the profit leaderboard, are within the top 5 of the RMSE leaderboard, so play on!