Tentative Winner Announcement

Hello everyone,

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Over the past few months, the Brick by Brick Challenge 2024 brought together 313+ participants from 40+ countries, resulting in an incredible 1,870+ submissions! :rocket:

:tada: A huge thank you for participating in this challenge!

In the meantime, we’re excited to share the tentative winners of the challenge. Please note that this is not an official announcement—they are subject to change following a due diligence review of the submissions.

Rank Team Name Members
:1st_place_medal: 1st Place yddm @mike_q, @zoe1113, @leo2025vv
:2nd_place_medal: 2nd Place xiaobaiLan @xiaobaiLan, @20N, @wangbing106
:3rd_place_medal: 3rd Place NaiveBaes @leocd, @jonasmacken, @joe_zhao7, @xenonhe, @RuiyuanY
:3rd_place_medal: 3rd Place bram @bram
:3rd_place_medal: 3rd Place chan_jun_hao @chan_jun_hao

We’ll be sharing more details about the winning teams and their solutions very soon—so stay tuned! Make sure you’re subscribed to AIcrowd emails and following us on Twitter and LinkedIn to be the first to know.

:memo: Got 2 minutes? Help us improve our challenges by filling out our feedback survey: https://forms.gle/K7qh3pt1WBDyW5sEA :blush:

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Thanks, @snehananavati ! When is the final official announcement expected?
Will the current rankings/groups remain the same and only validation phase left to make sure the submission valid?
imho this would help the finalists gain confidence in registering and arranging for the conference.

Hi @leocd,

The final announcement is expected in the first week of March.

Based on our experience, the rankings will remain unchanged unless there is evidence of malpractice, misuse of dataset, or other violations. As you mentioned, we are currently validating the submission code and methods and checking for any use of external datasets.