I am having issues with submitting my solutions. The agent-logs tell me that it cannot find the run.sh file, though I am certain that it is directly in the root repository as in the starter-kit.
2020-08-14T15:36:12.382859691Z chmod: cannot access ‘/home/aicrowd/run.sh’: No such file or directory
2020-08-14T15:36:12.383451401Z bash: line 6: /home/aicrowd/run.sh: No such file or directory
I used the starter-kit as base and included the baselines repository into it. However, I am not using any of it yet, as I was just trying to submit.
The local evaluation using the redis-server is working fine, even using my own model. The image build is successful.
The aicrowd-subcontractor-logs are throwing a ‘Timed Out’ error, but I do not think this is the issue, as it happens right away at the beginning.
Are there any other files / things that could interfere with the setup and prevent finding the run.sh as the entrypoint?
@fabianpieroth, I also realized you are just using conda & pip environments and nothing fancy in Dockerfile right now. You can simply specify those configuration files & ignore using Dockerfile. We automatically take care installation of those - with the help of repo2docker.
Thank you for the immediate response! I disabled the Dockerfile to test my submission and it is working fine now.
I will use your example Dockerfile in the future to make the submissions. Thank you again, that solved my issue right away!