RMSE evaluation error - "pod deleted during operation"


I have the following error displayed in my submission #112430 :

Could you please give me the traceback of this error ?

My Python notebook is run without any error, and produces an array of float predictions of shape 228216.

Thanks in advance !

Now when I execute the exact same notebook (submission #112477), I get the following error :

Could it help you to see what’s going wrong ?

I had a pod timed out error last week. It’s an error message that reminds me of scaling issues with kubernetes clusters, ie issues with the tech behind the scenes of the competition site.

For me the issues appeared to resolve themselves … or more likely went away when the admins did something behind the scenes.

Hi @gciam

This error and the next one occur when your submission is taking up too much resources on the server as @nigel_carpenter has hinted towards.

I’ve looked at your submission and reproduced the error and in your case it seems the issue is indeed something on our side (I suspect a package installation instruction). I will update this thread once I know more since a few others are also having this issue.

Apologies for the inconvenience and I suggest you keep modeling on the notebook in the interim :hammer_and_wrench:


Thank you both of you @nigel_carpenter and @alfarzan for your fast answers.

Looking forward to know more about this error.

I’ll try other submissions in the meantime.


Hi @gciam

Indeed after a bit of poking around it seems that the issue was not with package installation but rather the way the error message was displayed.

I’ve sent you a full traceback in a private message as it might show others your model.

Hi @alfarzan,

Many thanks for your answer, I was able to understand what was going wrong.


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Hi @alfarzan,

I am having the exact same issue. The notebook works perfectly in my drive but when I submit, I get an error and I get the message “pod deleted during operation”.

Could you help me understand this error in my case?

My submission number is 112659.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @RHG and welcome to the forums!

This was an issue from our side, I believe your submission is now graded successfully: https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/insurance-pricing-game/submissions/112659

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Yes! Thank you for your response.