Results and working notes - Official Round PlantCLEF 2023

Dear participants,

we have reported the results for the second official round PlantCLEF2023 in the form of a table and a graph here, as well as the instructions for writing the working notes:

Congratulations to MingleXu, who remains in the lead on this new edition! And a big thank you to challengers Neuon_ai and BioMachina.

We remind that all participating teams with at least one graded submission, regardless of the score, should submit a CEUR working notes paper as part of CLEF, the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum :

I remind here the instructions:

  • Submission of reports is done through EasyChair – please make absolutely sure that the author (names and order), title, and affiliation information you provide in EasyChair match the submitted PDF exactly
  • Strict deadline for Working Notes Papers: 7 June 2023
  • Strict deadline for CEUR-WS Camera Ready Working Notes Papers: 7 July 2023

Thank you very much for your contributions, thank you for your tenacity in spite of the very large volume of classes and data, leading to long training times of models.