Question about input_field in the dataset test


I have one question about the dataset test, for example, in development data we have this input_field

“A customer on an online shopping platform has made the following query. Please extract phrases from the query that correspond to the entity type ‘product type’. \nPlease directly output the entity product type without repeating the entity type. If there are multiple such entities, separate them with comma. Do not give explanations. \nQuery: tablette xiaomi\nOutput:”

We expect similar instruction or simply “Please extract phrases from the query that correspond to the entity type ‘product type’. \n Query: tablette xiaomi” so that we can include more specific instructions.

Thanks so much. Another question: is there a way to know which tasks we have in the development dataset that are related to track 1?


I did not quite get your first question very well, but basically, all instructions are implicitly given in the ‘input_field’. You can add your specific instructions before or after the prompt.

We also update the development set to indicate which track the question comes from (with the ‘track’ column). Hope that helps.

Understood, thank you :slight_smile: