📹 Office Hour #1 Recording and Slides | Using Llama 3 Models

Hello all,

Thank you to everyone who joined the Office Hour for the Meta Comprehensive RAG (CRAG) Challenge. If you missed the live session, you can still engage by watching the recording and reviewing the slide deck.

:movie_camera: Recording Available: Catch up on the session by watching the recording here.

:bar_chart: Slide Deck: Access the presentation slides here.

:rocket: Using Llama 3 Models: Participants can use Llama 3 Models to build their RAG solutions. Llama 3 models can be downloaded here.

This session featured detailed discussions with our experts Xiao Yang and Kai Sun, covering the CRAG benchmarks, updates on the challenge, and a live Q&A.

Feel free to share your thoughts or questions in the comments!

Warm regards,
Team AIcrowd

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