divergence between data dictionary, and the data set
steppping through setting up the workspace/Rstudio and accessing the data would be helpful
Difference between Aridhia Team, DSAI team
Just basic things like operating on the data set in the workspace; use of SSH and VNC
whitelisting of sites (github, npm)
workspace allocation
instructions on use of git-lfs
teams on leaderboard
What happens if the solution is in R, with regards to anaconda
I cannot even access to the data in the shared_data folder. It is locked.
How to add team members to the repository
Copy Paste inside and outside the workspace : Chrome <> from outside the workspace
explain git tags
build docker images locally
- Added in FAQ by shivam already
Conda get started instructions
- install conda with wget + bash
- create the first R-compatibe environment using
conda create -f environment.yml
(we should include this in the starter kit) - install.R in the starter kit
SSH Keys
- to provide SSH keys, generate them
Install anaconda
- R : https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/navigator/tutorials/create-r-environment/
- conda install -c r r-
- conda install -c r r-tidyverse
- RStudio :
- Shivam to add instructions to point to the correct (conda) R
AIcrowd FAQ : https://discourse.aicrowd.com/c/faq
Mohanty to fix bug of env var (in connors example
no linMod.rda (to be added by Connor)
#################################################################### -
Problem Statement (training, testing)
- predict the probability of approval
Workspace (Aridhia)
Evaluation of submission
- Software Runtime
- Anaconda
- Env Export
- outcome columns not available in the testing data
- probability of outcomePrediction
- Structure of prediction file
Example Prediction CSV
row_id, prob_approval
Gitlab submission
git clone git@gitlab.aicrowd.com:novartis/novartis-dsai-challenge-starter-kit.git
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin git@gitlab.aicrowd.com:mohanty/novartis-dsai-challenge-starter-kit-01.git
git tag -am “submission-v0.1” submission-v0.1