Not qualified submission

Hi, I’m from the team GPU_IS_ALL_YOU_NEED and AFAIK we are qualified for Track 3 in Phase 2. But when I submitted, I’ve got this:

Submission failed : You have not qualified for this round. Please review the challenge rules at


It seems strange, because from our record, your team should qualify for all tracks.

I would check with aicrowd folks about that.

And also could you provide a link to your submission?

It’s here.

Forwarded to aicrowd folks to take a look.

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I still can’t submit to Track 3.

But my teammate can.

I think it’s happened because I never submitted to this track during Phase 1.

Could you please grant me some access?

Unfortunately I cannot deal with that. We have to @aicrowd-bot for help.

I meet the same question. i come from team ihun( , and currently i change my computer, and use new ssh token. But when I submitted, I’ve got this: Submission failed : You have not qualified for this round. Please review the challenge rules at And here is my submission AIcrowd Submission Failed (#8) · Issues · yingyizhang / Amazon KDD Cup 2024 Starter Kit · GitLab.

Can you check whether your teammates can submit?

There is a known bug by aicrowd folks that even though a team qualifies for phase 2, team members who did not submit in Phase 1 may not be able to submit.

We want to make sure whether it is the same issue, or a different one.

My teammate can submit. ~

AIcrowd folks know this issue and are working on that now.

thanks for your helpt!!!

Sorry, I would like to ask if this issue has been fixed, but I still cannot submit it ~

Unfortunately, not yet. AICrowd folks are working on another issue recently.

I have no control over that, so I cannot help either. Sorry.

Hello, I am a member of team

Currently, two out of our three team members are experiencing the same error, and I am the only one able to post. Due to the recent increase in posting restrictions, it has become difficult to effectively utilize our posting capabilities. We would like to request a prompt resolution to this issue. Could you please let us know when it is expected to be resolved?

we have the same problem in our team, only I can submit, if it can be fixed it will be great

@tomoya_miyazawa @fersebasIn The requirement that only participants who submitted in round 1 can submit in round 2 is a design choice, not a bug, and we decide not to change that.

However, to cater for your need, I have removed all qualification criteria for all tracks, which should enable all of you to submit. Please try if it works and let me know.


Thank you !
But, I had a team member try it and it failed. Here is the error text.

Submission failed : You have not qualified for this round. Please review the challenge rules at

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I double checked that I have removed all qualification criteria for all tracks, so if that still happens, I have no other way to get around it.

Maybe you can try something like exchanging gitlab keys, etc., such that all team members get to use the account that is qualified to submit.