Normalisation and Final Score computation for the RL Project


The final scores will be computed by adding the scores of each of the 5 environments after normalising these between 0-1.

For the Acrobot and the Taxi environment, min-max normalisation will be used.
For the KBC problems, min-max normalisation after applying a log operator will be used.
The scores will be computed after the submission period has ended.


Hi. How can we select out best submission to be considered for the grading?
This is crucial given that the leaderboard only updates on the basis of acrobot problem.

Hi, pick your submission here.

Please note, that the leaderboard with the selected submission will update later.

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Thanks, @vrv, This was much needed.

What would be the base of the log operator that would be applied to our kbc scores?

@siddhartha Just a clarification each environment carries a weightage of 1 or all kbc environments combined carry a weightage of 1

Each of the kbc assignments will be normalised to 1.

Hi, base of the log operator will be 2.

Should It matter the base of the log, i guess it will cancel in numerator and denominator?

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