No submissions slots

Hi! I have some question about submissions slots. 2 days ago it says

for track 1
today it says

Does it depend on when I submit the code, or are they set on a fixed weekly basis (the same week for all participants)? Thank so much!

Hi @fersebasIn,

The submission window depends on when you submit the code, and is a rolling window. We identify all the submissions made in the last 7 days (starting from the point you made this current submission), and take into account the total number of submissions made (including the number of failed submissions).

In this particular challenge, for most tracks you are allowed upto 2 successful submissions and 4 failed submissions per week per track.

In your case, the difference in the time reported between both the submissions is expected, as when you made the submission yesterday beyond your quota, it was marked as a failed submission as well, and counting towards your quota of failed submissions. Today when you made a subsequent submission, that was also marked as failed, and counted towards your quota, and increasing your wait time by a day.

But today was failed because of the failed submissions in the first days or because slots? Tomorrow can I make a submission to track 1? Sorry but I do not understand very well how it works. Thanks so much and sorry.