Learn How To Make Your First Submission [๐ŸŽฅ Tutorial]

Hello everyone,

I have curated a video that will show the step-by-step:footprints: process of how to use the starter kit provided by AICrowd to make submissions.

By the end of this video you will learn the following things:-

  1. Forking/Importing the starter kit to your GitLab account
  2. Setting up SSH key:old_key: on your system
  3. Setting up local development python environment/sandbox :hammer_and_pick:
  4. Making your first submission :rocket:

You are just 15 minutes away from making your first successful submissionโ€ฆ :tada: :tada::tada: :tada:

Please do let me know any improvements or questions in the comments below, I would be glad to help you.
Click on :heart: if this post was of any help :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for sharing!! Loved it

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Yesterday I was able to set it up myself, really hope I would have digged the discussion further to find this :grin: .


Thanks. You can check other posts to create the first models in PyTorch, work with MLOps and get started with a competition.


Hey! Thanks for this tutorial. The video was well explained. I didnโ€™t have to go through many google searches to try my first submission. It feels good to be able to set up things on your own for the first time. Thanks again :slight_smile: