An important point, authors did not give the negative (“odorless”) compounds. I would really suggest to add them too (but you have to go to pubchem and grab those 1229 molecules). We all know that it’s very important.
Sharp “descriptor” is not an olfaction term so you can remove it!
Unfortunately 97% Acc is based on none balanced labels. it’s always good to say 97% but it’s not true:
Let say you have 1 descriptor active for 1% of the molecules and that your model only predict “no active” for all molecules than your accuracy for this descriptor is > 98%! So, it’s why we are asking to make top-2 / top-5 proposal. if you lose one term why not but if you always predict Floral it’s not good model but “Acc” is good.
So to answer your question, oh no it’s not solved. maybe it can be useful but definitely not the solution.