🏛️ Join the Live Townhall Event for MeltingPot Challenge

Hello MeltingPot Community,

The electrifying MeltingPot Challenge 2023 is already off to an invigorating start, and to enrich this collaborative journey, we’re excited to bring to you the MeltingPot 2023 Townhall Event!

:rocket: About the Challenge

Dive deep into multi-agent reinforcement learning and navigate the world of mixed-motive cooperation. Organised by renowned researchers from the Cooperative AI Foundation, MIT, and Google DeepMind, this contest beckons researchers to redefine the horizons of MARL and successful cooperative intelligence.

:studio_microphone: Townhall Insights

:spiral_calendar: When: 7th October, 2023
:alarm_clock: Time: 12:30 PM UTC
:computer: Join: Townhall Zoom Link

Dive deeper into strategy, refinement, and innovation with our expert panel and engage in vibrant discussions, gaining novel insights and formulating your award-winning strategy.

What’s in Store

  • :mag: Exclusive Insights: Engage and interact with our experienced panel, seeking answers to your most pressing queries directly from the organizers.
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Collaborative Discussions: Share, learn, and innovate with peers and industry leaders, driving your project toward unparalleled excellence.

:movie_camera: Not able to join? Worry not! A recording will be available post-event, ensuring you don’t miss out on these valuable insights.

:speech_balloon: We encourage and welcome your pre-event questions! Please drop them below, and our panel will address them during the townhall.

:round_pushpin:Join the event this Saturday 12:30PM UTC onwards Townhall: MeltingPot Challenge 2023