How to submit the docker container?

Just a small question regarding the submission of the docker container. How is this expected to happen?
Should we provide the container on dockerhub? Or should we make a tarball (.tar.gz) file available to the organizes, e.g. through a link to a cloud storage of our choice?

You will submit the docker image on AIcrowd.

Ok, could you elaborate how, please? Or maybe there are other challenges on aicrowd which do a similar thing and hence I could have a look at?

According to the message from yesterday, the submission website will be open for 10 days. I simply don’t want to waste any time then in technical issues regarding the format of the docker image we submit.

So apparently, aicrowd is running a gitlab instance. Other challenges (like this one) use this, so that people can git-push their solutions and submit their models in this fashion.

As gitlab can operate a container registry per project, it might well be that hecktor2021 you uses this facility for submitting the docker container?

You can download an archive containing a docker example here:


For more details please have a look at the README file first.

The idea is that you can directly use these files to:
a) configure the dockerfile with your system/packages needs, and
b) encapsulate your method directly in the file.

It will make evaluation easier and faster.

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Corrected file