How to create Gitlab based submissions

  1. To make a submission, you will have to create a private repository on either from scratch OR forking/copying the starter kit provided for the competition (recommended).

  2. You will have to add your SSH Keys to your GitLab account by following the instructions here. If you do not have SSH Keys, you will first need to generate one.

  3. Edit aicrowd.json in the repository with your username and set the desired parameters. These parameters will be different for every challenge, so refer to the aicrowd.json file provided in your challenge starter kit.

  4. Then you can create a submission by making a tag push to your repository on Any tag push (where the tag name begins with “submission-”) to your private repository is considered as a submission
    Then you can add the correct git remote, and finally submit by doing:

# Add AIcrowd git remote endpoint
git remote add aicrowd<YOUR_AICROWD_USER_NAME>/<YOUR_REPOSITORY>.git
git push aicrowd master

# Create a tag for your submission and push
git tag -am "submission-v0.1" submission-v0.1
git push aicrowd master
git push aicrowd submission-v0.1

# Note : If the contents of your repository (latest commit hash) does not change,
# then pushing a new tag will **not** trigger a new evaluation.
  1. You now should be able to see the details of your submission as a Gitlab issue in your repository at:<YOUR_AICROWD_USER_NAME>/<YOUR_REPOSITORY>/issues
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