How to add SSH key to Gitlab?

Create and add your SSH public key

It is best practice to use Git over SSH instead of Git over HTTP. In order to use SSH, you will need to:

  1. Create an SSH key pair on your local computer.
  2. Add the key to GitLab

Creating your SSH key pair

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""


Adding your SSH public key to GitLab

Once you have key in your system at location of your choice. You must manually copy this and add it at

1 Like

This link “AIcrowd” does not work anymore. Am I supposed to use the API key?

So apparently the link changed slightly to “AIcrowd

“/-/profile/keys” instead of “/profile/keys”

@momi193 : Thanks for pointing it out, we have updated the links in the main message as well.
