Has phase-2 started?

Yes, I could submit successfully before phase-1 ended and got scores.
We only submitted for task 1 and 2: AIcrowd | Meta KDD Cup 24 - CRAG - Retrieval Summarization | Leaderboards

But after 27 May, my submission will be evaluated and I will get a score, but the score will not be updated to the leaderboard, and a message that tells me the evaluation fails will be sent through the main page like this.

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@aicrowd_team Could anyone help with this?


But in the rules(AIcrowd | Meta Comprehensive RAG Benchmark: KDD Cup 2024 | Challenge_rules), they said:

Limit one (1) registration per Participant (either individually or as a Team). Each Participant (either individuals or Teams) can choose to complete in 1, 2, or 3 tasks.

@jiazunchen Hi, sorry to bother. :sob: May I ask whether your team can submit to phase-2 now? I’ve noticed your team submitted to all three tasks and got 1st place.

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All three leaderboards were last updated on May 27th, so this is not a specific member’s issue. I see two explanations so far: 1) The 2nd round has begun, but during it the leaderboards will not be updated… and nothing will be explained to us). We only have 6 attempts until June 20th. 2) There is some kind of organizational problem that will be resolved and we will be informed.

Personally, for now I will work based on the first option.

The world is a big makeshift team, lol. I can’t imagine such a big company like Meta can make so many mistakes in such a competition and most of the time there is no official response at all…

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hi bro, I have the same question and have not received any message.

Regarding your explanation 1, does it mean that for the entire phase 2, we only have 6 attempts? If that’s the case, I will be afraid to submit my solution. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Me too) But that’s how I understood the phrase:

Phase II Each participating team can make up to 6 submissions for all 3 tracks together over the challenge [TO BE TESTED WITH AICROWD SUBMISSION SYSTEM]

Where did you see this explanation? The official website doesn’t seem to say

Hi bro,Why can you submit today? @jiazunchen @pavel_orlov @shizueyy @CDM @mc_liu

On main page in “SOLUTION SUBMISSION”. Official website - which one is it?

Thank you, I found it. Also, I would like to ask if submitting 6 works includes evaluation failure?

I believe explanation 2, actually. I have submitted more than 6 times after the claimed phase-2 start time until now. And I also have a submission that is completed but tagged wrongly with evaluating. And sometimes I get:

You have exceeded the allowed number of parallel submissions. Please wait until your other submission(s) are graded.

Just like Parallel Submission Limit Reached and Issue with Submission.
I also tried to send emails to help@aicrowd.com and crag-kddcup-2024@meta.com but got no responses. For some reason, there seems no official staff cares about this competition. That’s really funny.

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It feels like something happened on May 27th. Some kind of turning point. I remember that the instances in AWS ran out, but this cannot be the reason for what we see? </END of digression>

Have you had completely successful attempts after May 28? So that after this there will be no error messages?

There are no error messages on the GitLab issue page. But on the main page, the notification will tell me the evaluation failed. And the evaluation score is not reflected in the leaderboard.

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I don’t know, I saw some successful commits and tried to commit and found that it got scores but didn’t update the leaderboard

are you using six number of submit on the phase2 ? @jiazunchen

It’s been submitted more than six times

So I think they extended phase 1 with phase 1b by ~ 10 days. Given the radio silence, hopefully that means they are postponing the phase 2 start by ~ 10 days, which would have it starting soon. Otherwise if phase 2 already started, there is going to be a mess since many teams have likely already exceeded the 6 submission limit they set for phase 2.

Wow! The tag “Phase 2: 13 days left” appeared

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