"FileNotFoundError: Could not locate `config.json` in the submission"

Anyone having trouble submitting from a .zip file? I keep getting this error but I have the config.json file in the zipped folder. I see that other submissions failed for that reason too.

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Hello @big_bird

The structure of the files inside the zip file is important.

When we unzip the zip file, it should extract all the files into the current directory.

What we expect:

├── config.json
├── predict.py
└── requirements.txt

Your file structure:

├── config.json
├── predict.py
└── requirements.txt

Can you try to select all the files in the directory and zip them? This should result in the expected file structure. If you are comfortable with the command line, you can run

cd python
zip -r submission.zip .

Hello @big_bird

We updated our setup to detect submissions of this type as well. We will support both these file structures

├── config.json
└── requirements.txt


└ <some-directory>
    ├── config.json
    └── requirements.txt

We are re-evaluating the submissions that failed due to this issue.

Awesome! Thanks for your reply