Failed Submission: Failed to remove partial docker images!

Hello @alfarzan! Could you please help me with this peculiar error I got in submission ID 113740.

Here is the error from the server logs:

e[0m2021-01-09 14:09:43.968 | INFO | main:unzip_submission:55 - Unzipping the submission file
2021-01-09 14:09:43.969 | INFO | main:check_submission_file_type:93 - Checking submission file type
2021-01-09 14:09:43.969 | SUCCESS | main:check_submission_file_type:99 - Validated submission file type
2021-01-09 14:09:44.940 | DEBUG | main:unzip_submission:67 - Extracted
2021-01-09 14:09:44.941 | DEBUG | main:unzip_submission:68 - [‘python’]
2021-01-09 14:09:44.941 | DEBUG | main:unzip_submission:76 - Nested dir
2021-01-09 14:09:44.946 | SUCCESS | main:unzip_submission:88 - Extracted submission file to /src/
2021-01-09 14:10:02.034 | ERROR | main:remove_docker_image:238 - Failed to remove partial docker images

Keras models cannot be pickled, so I had to modify the save_model() and load_model() functions. I tested things out using the test.bat file on a windows machine and it seems to work. I added the required libraries to the requirements.txt file. I’m running out of ideas here.

Hello @faisal_goussous

It looks like you are looking at the wrong error. The build failed because of

ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorboard-plugin-wit==1.6.0

We will remove the other error you posted here to avoid confusion.

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