EVATeam which was third on Round-1 not seen on Round-2 LB

I am from EVATeam which came third on round-1. We were not even seen on round-2 leaderboard which was briefly published and subsequently removed. Our best submission score was 0.721 and next best score was 0.714 which will still be 3rd in round-1. We didn’t give the submission ID in the google form because it was mentioned that you will be taking the ID corresponding to best submission score for round-2 if we didnt submit the ID. So, curious to understand why we we couldn’t even find a place in round-2.
We have to delete our repo towards the last days in competition to make new submissions because of ephemeral storage issue. We also reached out for advise in this same forum & one of the advise I received was to delete the repo. Accordingly, we did removed the repo, rebuilt & made new submissions assuming that aicrowd team will be having a copy of the repo. Is it because the original submission that scored 0.721 is not available we were not even scored in round 2 ?

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