Dataset problem


After download nlp-challenge dataset, I try to read data by dataframe.

import pandas as pd
dat = pd.DataFrame('clarifying_questions_train.csv')

 ValueError: DataFrame constructor not properly called!

However, I try !head -n6 clarifying_questions_train.csv

CQ-game-1,,initial_world_states/builder-data/34-c135/step-20,Destroy the two blocks over the row that is connected to the column. Also destroy the two blocks that are under the row that is connected to the column. The result should look like an inverted L letter.,Yes,train,,
CQ-game-10,,initial_world_states/builder-data/12-c139/step-22,Place one yellow block on top of each purple block of the top row.,Yes,train,,
CQ-game-10,,initial_world_states/builder-data/12-c139/step-22,Place one yellow block on top of each purple block of the top row.,Yes,train,,
CQ-game-1000,Which color blocks?,initial_world_states/builder-data/23-c135/step-2,Place four blocks to the east of the highest block horizontally.,No,train,q_149,"'q_696', 'q_203', 'q_516', 'q_677', 'q_769', 'q_138', 'q_303', 'q_319', 'q_331', 'q_327', 'q_223', 'q_911', 'q_843', 'q_525', 'q_104', 'q_215', 'q_804', 'q_13', 'q_124', 'q_482', 'q_264', 'q_459', 'q_28', 'q_979', 'q_728', 'q_698', 'q_154', 'q_650', 'q_149', 'q_709', 'q_830', 'q_594', 'q_379', 'q_79', 'q_398', 'q_850', 'q_859', 'q_12', 'q_823', 'q_480', 'q_648', 'q_46', 'q_61', 'q_947', 'q_910', 'q_601', 'q_314', 'q_67', 'q_568', 'q_120', 'q_904', 'q_783', 'q_893', 'q_486', 'q_748', 'q_146', 'q_515', 'q_986', 'q_658', 'q_179', 'q_254', 'q_717', 'q_941', 'q_4', 'q_192', 'q_702', 'q_27', 'q_944', 'q_207', 'q_569', 'q_238', 'q_553', 'q_611', 'q_972', 'q_371', 'q_479', 'q_563', 'q_888', 'q_676', 'q_423', 'q_744', 'q_441', 'q_978', 'q_439', 'q_470', 'q_810', 'q_489', 'q_106', 'q_256', 'q_151', 'q_86', 'q_122', 'q_616', 'q_125', 'q_324', 'q_64', 'q_408', 'q_150', 'q_737', 'q_329', 'q_164', 'q_429', 'q_711', 'q_803', 'q_730', 'q_373', 'q_598', 'q_292', 'q_134', 'q_69', 'q_632', 'q_524', 'q_668', 'q_386', 'q_307', 'q_396', 'q_286', 'q_285', 'q_822', 'q_776', 'q_705', 'q_948', 'q_460', 'q_675', 'q_452', 'q_685', 'q_135', 'q_147', 'q_77', 'q_395', 'q_960', 'q_8', 'q_316', 'q_980', 'q_110', 'q_695', 'q_177', 'q_41', 'q_743', 'q_851', 'q_666', 'q_571', 'q_572', 'q_533', 'q_175', 'q_926', 'q_929', 'q_446', 'q_827', 'q_940', 'q_852', 'q_29', 'q_707', 'q_262', 'q_19', 'q_967', 'q_140', 'q_508', 'q_167', 'q_78', 'q_925', 'q_271', 'q_529', 'q_983', 'q_467', 'q_764'"

I found it cannot split by ‘,’

Hi @xu_cheng

Here’s a working example, let me know if you face any issues. :slightly_smiling_face:

IGLU NLP Data Check - Google Colab

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