Bug in submission?

When I use the bash ./utility/docker_evaluation_locally.sh --verbose, the following information is printed, I don’t how to remove the \r from the shell script.

(base) ubuntu@ip-172-31-88-94:~/tmp/pycharm_project_22/competition_data$ ./utility/docker_evaluation_locally.sh --verbose
Note: Gathering environment variables from environ.sh
Building docker image, for skipping docker image build use “–no-build”
usage: aicrowd-repo2docker [-h] [–config CONFIG] [–json-logs]
[–image-name IMAGE_NAME] [–ref REF] [–debug]
[–build-memory-limit BUILD_MEMORY_LIMIT]
[–no-run] [–publish PORTS] [–publish-all]
[–no-clean] [–push] [–volume VOLUMES]
[–user-id USER_ID] [–user-name USER_NAME]
[–env ENVIRONMENT] [–editable]
[–target-repo-dir TARGET_REPO_DIR]
[–appendix APPENDIX] [–subdir SUBDIR] [–version]
[–cache-from CACHE_FROM]
repo …
aicrowd-repo2docker: error: argument --image-name: ‘aicrowd/neurips2019-minerl-challenge\r:agent\r’ is not a valid docker image name. Image namemust start with an alphanumeric character andcan then use _ . or - in addition to alphanumeric.
To run your submission with nvidia drivers locally, use “–nvidia” with this script