Announcing the winners of Amazon KDD Cup 2024!

Dear all participants,

Thank you all for your relentless efforts in the past 3-4 months in engaging with our competition! Now, after several days of delay (which we are sorry about), we are finally ready to announce the winners of the Amazon KDD Cup 2024! They are:

  • Track 1: Understanding Shopping Concepts

    1. :medal_sports:Team_NVIDIA
    2. :2nd_place_medal:AML666 (AML_Lab@CityU)
    3. :3rd_place_medal:shimmering_as_the_stars
    4. CM_RLLM
    5. LeaderboardCar
  • Track 2: Shopping Knowledge Reasoning

    1. :medal_sports:Team_NVIDIA
    2. :2nd_place_medal:ZJU_AI4H
    3. :3rd_place_medal:AML666 (AML_Lab@CityU)
    4. shimmering_as_the_stars
    5. BRG
  • Track 3: User Behavior Alignment

    1. :medal_sports:Team_NVIDIA
    2. :2nd_place_medal:ihun (BMI@DLUT.)
    3. :3rd_place_medal:AML666 (AML_Lab@CityU)
    4. CM_RLLM
    5. shimmering_as_the_stars
  • Track 4: Multi-lingual Abilities

    1. :medal_sports:Team_NVIDIA
    2. :2nd_place_medal:shimmering_as_the_stars
    3. :3rd_place_medal:AML666 (AML_Lab@CityU)
    4. Innova
    5. PinGuNi
  • Track 5: All Around

    1. :medal_sports:Team_NVIDIA
    2. :2nd_place_medal:AML666 (AML_Lab@CityU)
    3. :3rd_place_medal:CM_RLLM
    4. shimmering_as_the_stars
    5. ZJU_AI4H

A more detailed announcement will be out in a few days, including an introduction to the winning team members. Also, the re-evaluation results are also updated to the leaderboard. Feel free to check that out!

Once again, on behalf of all organizers of this challenge, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all participants who have contributed significant intellectual values to this challenge.

Please note that the call for papers of the KDD Cup 2024 Workshop is out at All the above teams are guaranteed oral/poster presentations at the workshop.

Looking forward to meeting you in Barcelona and listen to your ingenious insights!

Amazon KDD Cup 2024 Organizers.


@tomoya_miyazawa Hi, I will check later and let you know. Should be largely the same with minimal differences.

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Hi, we have received notifications about multiple submissions failed, please assure that our first option from form success just in case.


We requeue everything until success, which is why you see them. Eventually everything succeeded. Nothing to worry.

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Thanks so much!!!