[Announcement] Submissions open this week! New dataset release!
Hey all! Just wanted to keep everyone notified of some exciting updates!
First off, we’ve been working diligently to review the 140+ applications we had for the computation grants, and yesterday we announced the winners. If you applied, be sure to check your inbox :). All of the applications were absolutely wonderful and we wish we had the resources to support all those who applied. In any case, we’re so excited to see what you all develop for this exciting challenge!
We’ve been listening to your feedback and working really hard on improving the dataset, and we’re excited to announce that later today we will be releasing minerl-0.2.0 which features a new version of the dataset with all of the major bugs fixed! Further, we’re releasing a really cool data exploration tool (video coming soon) to let you inspect player trajectories :).
Finally, we are going to be opening submissions this Thursday! AIcrowd will be releasing a repository containing the exact set of docker containers that will be used to evaluate your models! Additionally, to allow you to test your submissions on the competition compute, you will have access to an azure instance launch script!
We’re so excited to finally be approaching these milestones, and we appreciate your patience. Pulling this competition off has been such a huge effort and would not be possible without all of you in the community contributing