:aicrowd: AIcrowd Profile Picture | Download All New Profile Picture! #AIcrowdDay ๐ŸŽ‰

:aicrowd: AIcrowd Turns 3 today! :tada:

To celebrate our third anniversary, we wanted to share digital goodies that would spruce up your AIcrowd profile. :tada: Hereโ€™s a glimpse of all-new profile pictures. Download a picture that matches your personality and share your AIcrowd profile! Donโ€™t forget to tag @AIcrowdHQ to win a special prize!

:camera_flash: How to change your profile picture?

Click the image you want to download. Press the :arrow_down: download button at the button of an image to download your image. Edit your profile picture :hammer_and_wrench: by visiting aicrowd.com/participants/edit, clicking on edit profile and uploading the new picture.

** :face_with_monocle: Which AIcrowd personality at you?**

1. Are you watchful like an eagle?

2. Are your ideas as bright as a toucan?

3. Are you as energetic and agile as a kingfisher?

4. Are you loving and protective like a hen?

5. Are you a quick learner like a Mynah?

What is your favourite Bird of AI? Share the new profile pictures with your friends. If you like the birthday gift, donโ€™t forget to tag @AIcrowdHQ and stand a chance to win a special prize! #AIcrowdDay