About the ETH PSC Summer School MINILEAVES Hackathon category

Crop diseases can become a major threat to food security, but their rapid identification remains difficult in many parts of the world due to the lack of the necessary infrastructure. But with easy access to phones and cameras, these diseases can be captured and identified to avoid plant death and improve crop yield.

Can you detect plant diseases just by examining the images of the plant’s leaves, even when the resolution is low? Participants must correctly identify a disease class from low-resolution images of plant leaves in this task.

:notebook: Get started with this easy-2-follow notebook.

:muscle: Challenge Page: AIcrowd | ETH PSC Summer School MINILEAVES Hackathon | Challenges
:speaking_head: Discussion Forum: AIcrowd | ETH PSC Summer School MINILEAVES Hackathon | Discussions
:trophy: Leaderboard: AIcrowd | ETH PSC Summer School MINILEAVES Hackathon | Leaderboards