πŸš‡ 5 days left! Final tips & tricks for the home stretch

The NeurIPS 2020 Flatland challenge is drawing to an end! Here are some final tips and tricks.

  • Make each submission count! You can make up to 5 submissions per day (24h sliding window), which means you have between 20 and 25 submissions left. At this point, we recommend that you make a debug submission before any non-debug submission to make sure everything works as expected. You really don’t want to take any chances! You can make up to 10 debug submissions per day so be sure to use them.

  • The precise deadline is 2020-11-06 23:59 UTC. That’s 5 days and 12 hours from now. WolframAlpha can convert that to your timezone: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2020-11-06+23%3A59+UTC

  • You can check how many submissions you have left and when the window will reset on this page: https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/neurips-2020-flatland-challenge/submissions?my_submissions=true

  • Make sure that your top submissions are properly tagged with RL/OR/other tags. Using the wrong tag may result in the submission being disqualified! This clarifying post may be useful: AI Tags - how to correctly indicate the methods you use in a submission?. If you are unsure about what tag to use, or if you notice you have not used the right tags, mention @aicrowd-bot in the relevant issue.

  • The Community Prize ends in less than 4 days. Two entries have been submitted so far, and up to three money prizes will be awarded. This is a good opportunity to share Flatland insights with the community and to be rewarded for it.


A little bit nit-picky, but what does the deadline indicate? Is it (a) last instant at which a valid submission can be uploaded, or (b) the last instant at which a valid submission must complete its evaluation?

It’s (a): you can submit until the deadline!

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Do you know when the official results will be confirmed?

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Hey @harshadkhadilkar, the review process took more time than expected, as it was challenging to establish if each solution was using RL in a meaningful way.

We will announce the official results at NeurIPS.

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