🌈 Welcome to The NetHack Challenge

Dear participants,

Welcome to the NeurIPS 2021 NetHack Challenge!

We are excited to have you onboard.:handshake:

This is an exceptional challenge and we look forward to seeing how the AIcrowd Community takes it! :sparkles: :muscle:

:rocket: With the Starter Kit, you can make your first submission with ease. :massage_woman:

If you have any questions on the challenge, the starter kit, or anything else, please do not hesitate to post them in the forums here! :raised_hands:

(also, join the :left_speech_bubble: party on Discord!)

Friendly Reminder

:busts_in_silhouette: Find teammates for the challenge over here.

For any other questions or queries, drop a comment and we’ll get back to you!

Team AIcrowd