Dear participants,
we have updated the real-robots package to v0.1.20 to fix some issues discussed here.
This update includes the following changes:
- BasePolicy now includes both the action_space and the observation_space in its constructor.
This way, the participants controller can be made aware of both spaces without directly accessing the environment or coding them by hand. - The observation space now includes the ‘goal_positions’ extended observation.
- Both ‘object_positions’ and '‘goal_positions’ are now defined and returned as a dictionary of arrays of shape (3,) containing the objects x,y,z position.
Note that during the intrinsic phase there is no goal, so ‘goal_positions’ is None, just as the ‘goal_mask’ observation.
The REAL2020_starter_kit repository has also been updated to reflect the changes.
When making new submissions, ensure that your real-robots copy and starter kit is updated and that your controller accepts also the new observation_space parameter.
Looking forward to more submission from you all!