Submission stuck at 9% evaluation

My submission is stuck at 9% evaluation. Do I need to submit it again?

Hi @vishleshak,

No, the submission has failed.

You can view the logs by clicking logs link in your GitLab issue page:

In your case, it is failing on:

TimeoutError: [Errno 110] Connection timed out

:information_source: During the evaluations, you do not have access to the internet, due to which downloading failed as visible from your traceback.

You need to save the models using LFS in your GitLab repository for making the submission.

I think you are trying to submission ScaledMixturePredictor baselines but it also have UMXPredictor uncommented in causing this error to happen. (I have changed it now in starter kit, so future participants don’t face it unless they enable those baselines)

You can either comment the UMXPredictor in your or add the models it need using steps:

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