Release of the evaluation seeds?

Hey @arthurj
when could we get an OT build with the evaluation seeds?
I guess we all would love to see what our agents are capable of doing.

Thanks for the great challenge!

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I have really loved the environment and the progression of tasks, some looking impossible at first, but doable at last.
Great game design.

PS: yes it would be nice to have the test seeds, because it was really slow to test.

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Hi all,

Thanks for your enthusiasm and kind words. We plan to release a new version of the binary with unlocked seeds, along with the source code for the Unity project in the coming weeks. At that point we will also share the exact seeds used for evaluation, so that the process can be re-created locally.


1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005 are the evaluation seeds.
The environment’s source is finally available.

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