Questions about Leaderboard of NLP Task and organizer

The important is that Organizers posted the most important news in slack channel without me !

I have some questions about the leaderboard of NLP Task and organizer’s operations.
As follow:

  1. In slack you announce the NLP Task deadline is October 31st. Even 12 hours extension was given in AIcrowd. The deadline is 2022-11-01 12:00 UTC. Why some teams still can submit?

  2. This is the team named “craftsmanfly” submit records, everyone could check the records in submissions (AIcrowd | NeurIPS 2022 IGLU Challenge - NLP Task | Submissions):
    10.31 11:59 UTC – 11.01 11:59 UTC submit 13 times, 13 times failed
    11.01 00:01 UTC – 11.01 23:59 UTC submit 16 times, 11 times failed

  3. Even if some teams can submit, is the score legal?

  4. The deadline is given, why organizer still put the illegal scrore out of deadline into the Leaderboard of NLP Task

  5. I strictly follow the organizer’s rules, this is my submit records, Never ever submit more than 5 times in one day

  1. If the illegal score is valid, i will send email to ask NeurIPS Competition Committe if this is legal.

P.S. And others obey the rules , we can find it in Do you see submissions fail at the ranker after the last fix? - #9 by rein20