Product Matching: Inference failed

@dipam Wondering why my submission failed on private set, but worked ok on public? Timed out on private set?

Timeout has been relaxed by a certain amount, however we’ll likely remove the timeout for the private set as the model has already demonstrated the speed.

However, some other submissions are failing due to exceeding RAM or GPU OOM, which is a tricky situation and we’re yet to decide what to do about it.

This is not specific to your submission, if your submission failed due to timeout on private rest assured it will be retried.


Hi @dipam,

Unfortunately, my submissions failed even after the retry run :frowning:

Submissions 216117 and 215394 failed during the Evaluate Score step, with the following error message:

Evaluate Scores: ValueError: Object arrays cannot be loaded when allow_pickle=False.

I suspect this might be a numpy.load error, as suggested here: python - ValueError: Object arrays cannot be loaded when allow_pickle=False - Stack Overflow. However, I’m not entirely sure.

In addition, my other submission (216096) failed due to a time-out error, and I thought the time-out will be removed for the private runs.

I’m wondering if there will be another re-run for the failed submissions.

Thank you.


We’ll do our best to make sure all the selected submissions are scored. There are multiple failure reasons that each need case by case work, thank you for the patience. Even other solutions have had this numpy load error, which suggest that the returned object was not a numpy array, we’re checking each of them.

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