Note for our final evaluation

Thank you for your detailed explanation. We fully understand the difficulties in hosting such an international competition, and sincerely hope the competition will continue to improve going forward. :slight_smile:

I find it amusing that the AML team complains about the rules when they have uploaded more than 20 predictions in the last week on track 4, as the submissions control only works per user and not per team.

8 valid submissions in track 4.

9 valid submissions in track 4 min date 9 jul

4 valid submissions in track 4 min date 9 jul

3 more valid submissions on track 4
And so on.
I haven’t continued because I don’t care, I know in the end there were enough submissions to try what we wanted which I appreciate. But it makes me curious that team is causing noise when they themselves have uploaded over 20 submissions PER TEAM in the last week.