Flatland challenge website "My Team" button leading to wrong link


I participated in the 2019 challenge, and I am using the same team name for the 2020 challenge. But this time, we have different team members.

“My Team” button on the website takes me to the old 2019 flatland challenge team instead of the new 2020 challenge team.


When I click it, it goes to “https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/flatland-challenge/teams/my_team_name” instead of “https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/neurips-2020-flatland-challenge/teams/my_team_name”

Would this be a problem for participating in this challenge? I cannot delete the old team.

Best wishes.

Hey @compscifan2019, that doesn’t look right, we will look into it…

Hi @compscifan2019,

You are correct and it is a bug on our side. I have raised a fix for the same and would be deployed soon.

It wouldn’t cause problem in your participation.

Meanwhile, you can use the “Teams” tab in your profile to start using your team immediately (it is using correct links).