🏆 Community Contribution Prize [MineRL BASALT Competition]

:wave: Hello Participants,

Community Contribution Prizes are a way to celebrate the creativity of the challenge participants. AIcrowd is a platform for you to share your creative problem-solving approach with the community and get rewarded for it. :gift:

:sparkles: For this challenge, we have two prizes: Research Prizes and Community Support Prize.

Research prizes

We have reserved $5,000 of the prize pool to be given out at the organizers’ discretion to submissions that we think made a particularly interesting or valuable research contribution. We might give prizes to:

  1. Submissions that present novel negative results (e.g. a submission that shows that having humans correct the AIs behavior doesn’t help)
  2. Submissions that get particularly good results given their approach (e.g. best submission based on behavior cloning, or best submission based on learning from preferences)
  3. Approaches that create interesting agent behavior beyond “solves the task” (e.g. most human-like agent)
  4. New, interesting knowledge about learning from human feedback (e.g. an empirically validated scaling law that predicts how much human data is required for a given level of performance, or guidelines on how to decide which types of human feedback to use at any given point in fine-tuning)

If you wish to be considered for a research prize, please include some details on interesting research-relevant results in the README for your submission. We expect to award around 2-10 research prizes in total.

Community support.

We will award $1,000 of the prize pool at the organizers’ discretion to people who provide community support, for example by answering other participant’s questions, or creating and sharing useful tools.

Your contributions can be for anything that adds value towards solving the problem - data analysis, exploration, article or video on your approach - all supported by a working piece of code snippet. The prizes typically go to individuals or teams who are extremely active in the community, share resources - or even answer questions - that benefit the whole community greatly!

All the best! :sparkles:

:speech_balloon: Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries, or just reply to this post! Join the discord channel to meet other challenge participants like you.

Team AIcrowd