Clarification and More Information for Phase 2


can the AICrowd/the hosts provide more information about phase 2 and clarify the setup?

The description states that phase-2 test will be released at a later stage. The competition will end on June 14th.

When will the host release the phase 2 datasets?
Is it one file for task1 and one file for task2?
Will the public LB still be available in phase 2?
We will submit the predictions with the same csv file format than in phase 1, is that correct?


it seems phase2 starts. But I don’t know what is the phase2 yet…

me too. This platform is really mysterious.


We are all lost here I think.

me too. what is phase 2?

yes, I think so. how to rank this competition.

The Phase 2 datasets are available on the Resources page.

They have been available since 9 hours ago when the Phase 2 submissions opened.

@BenediktSchifferer The only difference between the Phase 1 and Phase 2 is the test sets. All new submissions are scored on Phase 2 test sets only.

@tereka The competition will be ranked based on the results of Phase 2. The deadline may be extended, that is upto Amazon, they haven’t notified us yet.

thank you for reply.
Could you use the phase 1 test set for feature engineering?

@tereka Yes, you can use the Phase 1 test set as you like.

I see. Thanks!

I wanted to bring to your attention an issue regarding the Phase 2 leaderboard. While it is currently possible to submit prediction results, the leaderboard for Phase 2 is not displaying correctly. I am curious to know what might be the cause of this problem.

@Yzeng Thanks for letting me know. Leaderboards should be displayed correctly now.