Annotation Style Transfer | Multi-Agent Behavior Challenge

:wave: Hello there!

This is a welcome thread that focuses on the Annotation Style Transfer for the Multi-Agent Behavior Challenge where all the participants get to know each other. You can reply to this thread with a brief introduction of yourself and what brings you to the challenge.

:computer: What’s this problem?

The task builds on the first task of Classical Classification, it focuses on fine-tuning classifications to different annotator styles.

:moneybag: Tell me more about the prizes …

This challenge carries a prize pool of $3000!

:1st_place_medal: $1500
:2nd_place_medal: $1000
:3rd_place_medal: $500

:tada: Additionally, each team to achieve over the baseline will receive $200 of Amazon SegaMaker credits until they run out. Eligible winners will also be invited to speak at Multi-Agent Behaviour Workshop at CVPR2021.

Make your first submission now! :sparkles: