Could 'Evaluation timed out' submission stuck at the final time be re-run?

@aicrowd_team @aicrowd-bot @snehananavati

Hi aicrowd guys.
After queuing for 10 hours, this submission got evaluation timed out because of the platform’s issue. Could this submission be re-run?

Yeah, unfortunately my task 3 submission ran for 30.64 seconds on one instance, so it failed. I queue up the submission ~ 10 hours before the deadline, but it failed after the deadline, so I couldn’t fix the issue. Would be nice if we could submit to the selection deadline due to backlog yesterday, but probably unlikely. I guess a nice lesson not to wait till the last day to make a submission.

EDIT: To add, the problem with Evaluation Timed Out seems to be related to the speed at which git lfs can checkout your repo. I had the same problem yesterday and cleaned up my repo and they started submitting as expected.