Week 4 leaderboard, new prizes and more!

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Week 4 leaderboard :trophy: New prizes…and more!


I am quite excited to report that this week we saw 40% growth in the number of people in the market! And I’m sure, that number is only going to accelerate! :muscle:

Today, I have three updates for you:

  1. New functionality regarding your feedback, and picking your leaderboard models
  2. Announcement of our community engagement prizes
  3. A note on model determinism and unrealistic prices

:sparkles: New functionality

1 Viewing your market feedback

From this week onward your weekly feedback is viewable directly on the leaderboard. Just click on “view” next to your leaderboard submission.

Just click on “view” next to your leaderboard submission.

Note: If you do not see yourself on the leaderboard and expected to do so, please comment here with your submission ID and we will figure it out.

2 Picking your weekly leaderboard models

From now on, you can use the shiny new interface that the team has created to pick your weekly submission for profit leaderboard. Many of you have already done so :clap:

Note: This means that the previous form will be de-activated from today.

:trophy: Community engagement prizes!

We have secured some cool new prizes for the community. Check out the post below :point_down:

Community engagement prize announcement

:thinking: Model determinism and unrealistic prices

1 Model determinism

Sometimes, participant models include random number generation when predicting prices. This means that if we re-run a set of markets, the outcomes will be ever-so-slightly different. Therefore starting from this week:

  1. We are going to be seeding all of your random number generators upon evaluation
  2. We will run a check by producing prices twice and checking if they match. If they don’t we’ll let you know so you can see what is going on.

2 Negative prices and extreme values

Sometimes models produce negative prices or very extreme prices (in the 100,000 of Euros). While this is not disallowed, it might be worth checking for these in your models since it can really skew your results.

Good luck!

The pricing game team



I don’t see my name on the leaderboard. Thus, I cannot get my market feedback. My submission ID is Submission #115033. Is there any particular reason ?

Many thanks for your help.


Hi @yc1

I’m sorry to hear that :frowning_face:

I’ve responded privately about what is going on in detail.

In summary, it seems that on the leaderboard data, your model produced prices that included some NaN values.

Hi alfarzan, my submission 110991 that I’d like to use this week is not on the list. Could you fix it?

Hi @pitusg

I’m looking into this one for you. Could you please confirm that you did select this as a chosen model for week 4 either through the interface on the platoform or through the old form we had?

In the meanwhile, if you wish to resubmit this particular entry for tonight, could you please go to the original template notebook and copy that notebook and then copy/paste your model into that? This is because some scripts were updated since week 1 so that we have a smoother process.