Castling notation

What is the right notation when there is a castling move in the video?

For instance, video 695.mp4 from the test dataset


I am looking into it and will follow up asap!


Did you find how to notate the castling move?

As 2 pieces move at the same time, several options are possible, like “a8d8 e8c8”, or “e8c8 a8d8” or a specific notation like “0-0-0” used in chess games. Thank you in advance.


Yep, So, the ground truth of 695.mp4 from the test dataset was h3h4 d7h3 f2f3 e8c8 h4g5 h6f8 d1d2 in which case our dataset didn’t account for the rook move, it only accounted for the king move which was e8c8.

We were python-chess to generate the dataset. And it seems like python-chess only accounts for the king move in castling.


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