Accessing data problem - Skipping flight, not present in valid encounters

I am following dataset-playground.ipynb

After executing:

Dataset for Airborne Object Tracking Dataset

from core.dataset import Dataset

notebook_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(“file”))

local_path = notebook_path + ‘/part1’
s3_path = ‘s3://airborne-obj-detection-challenge-training/part1/’
dataset = Dataset(local_path, s3_path, partial=True, prefix=“part1”)

I get the following output.
2021-07-28 21:45:55.902 | INFO | core.dataset:load_ve:36 - Loading valid encounters…
2021-07-28 21:45:55.943 | INFO | core.dataset:load_gt:20 - Loading ground truth…
2021-07-28 21:46:01.043 | INFO | core.dataset:load_gt:30 - Skipping flight, not present in valid encounters: 673f29c3e4b4428fa26bc55d812d45d9
2021-07-28 21:46:01.044 | INFO | core.dataset:load_gt:30 - Skipping flight, not present in valid encounters: 63c5597a57b04b448723f1f1844a2b78

part1/ImageSets is created but it only contains
groundtruth.json valid_encounters_maxRange700_maxGap3_minEncLen30.json

so what should I do to get the data?

Hi @akde,

You are using partial=True, which contains subset of dataset and few flights are not part of it.

The above INFO logs are informing the same.

You can continue executing the rest of the notebook to view the partial dataset flights. (other cells after this one)